Investment Philosphy
We believe that excellent portfolio companies need an integrated industry value chain to generate the best return to investors and clients of the healthcare industry. We see intellectual property created in developed markets can leverage the fast-growing demands of healthcare equipment in Asia. We see some excellent healthcare product companies need advanced and cost-effective production where clinical infrastructure and skills are available to capture market demands from the middle class in emerging countries. We see the government of some developing countries budgeting more capital in public healthcare and formulating medical insurance programs for the betterment of citizens.Vision Real Capital Group focuses on investing in healthcare and life science companies covering:
- Medical devices and technology
- Healthcare facilities
- Biomedical, diagnostic technologies and products

We want to generate long-term capital gain with investments in private companies in our focuses. We aim at identifying high-growth later-stage private companies which are valued attractively, operate convincing business model, and market flagship products locally or regionally. We look into investments in portfolio companies where products reach later stages of clinical development and available in the market. We may participate in subsequent rounds of financing subject to well-judged interplaying factors.
We are more than a financial investor and we envision to integrate our portfolio companies in better positions in the healthcare industry value chain than they are without us. Our team understands the healthcare industry in major developed countries as well as in the emerging Asian market. This is where we create distinctive values for investors and portfolio companies.